Monday, April 25, 2011


Just wanted to share a few photos from the BBQ fundraiser! 
Thanks again to everyone who helped make this possible.
We raised over double the money that I had hoped! Yay!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Hands For Hope project that has begun with a simple idea between two sisters has been confirmed time and time again. There has not been a single stumbling block and every door has been opened and God has shown up in so many ways. I had been dragging my feet, hesitant in leaving my family behind, and just not listening to God's call in my life. I'm just one of those people that God has to be blunt with when he wants me to follow. Someone once told me it's "just a good mix of faith and staying grounded". Most recently my sister had a dream that once again confirmed what we are doing. I wanted to share it with you...

 Woman's Hands

Having Hope

I would love to thank each one of you personally for helping out or just eating the BBQ chicken on Saturday. It was such a success! We pretty much sold everything that we grilled and had a wonderful turn out. So thank you! With that said I will be able to take more than double the funds to Rwanda with me next month! That means more sewing machines and more fabric. I'm so excited to follow this through and even more excited to see Hands For Hope come to life.

Seventeen years ago "hope" was not in many of the Rwanda people vocabulary. Today is the anniversary of the beginning of the devastating and deadly genocide where one million Rwandans lost their lives at the hands of their peers, friends and neighbors. It lasted 100 days. 100 days where the world closed their eyes. 100 days of horror. If you haven't seen Hotel Rwanda you should and you may get a peek at what went on.

So on this anniversary take a moment and pray for the Hope and healing of the Rwandan people. I can't wait to be among them, share hugs and help them yearn for hope.