Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jewelry Making

We have a great group of ladies that are interested in sewing and/or jewelry making. We set up a Wednesday meeting to go over logistics and were hoping maybe 12-14 ladies would show up. Wondering about their commitment when they all have families and children to take care of and are traveling by foot, we were not sure how many would be able to make our first meeting. As they began to pour in we started counting and had 25 interested ladies from the church! Overwhelmed and needing to start somewhere we encouraged those who could not read or write to take a current class being held at the church before enrolling in the sewing class or jewelry class. 

There was a teacher from the church found right away and the ladies had been given a small amount of money to buy supplies and get started on their jewelry making. 

Appolinare (Val's hubby and pastor at PEFA) translated as I spoke to the women making jewelry about particular styles and lengths.

The beadwork is simply beautiful! They are off to a great start.

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